INCOME2021: Virtual Conference and Hackathon
Integrative pathway modeling in systems biology and systems medicine
March 1-4, 2021
Virtual conference and hackathon
Mathematical models of cellular pathways are essential tools in systems biology and systems medicine. They contribute to an understanding of structure and dynamics of cellular processes far beyond their isolated parts, as well as the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of diseases. Yet, there are a variety of open questions.
The International Conference on Integrative Pathway Modelling in Systems Biology and Systems Medicine will gather experts in pathway modelling to discuss the state-of-the-art in reuse, integration, visualization, and parameterization of models. Please find the program here.
Topics will be:
- Modeling of signaling, metabolic and gene regulatory pathways
- Modeling of diseases and therapies
- Model and data standards
- Model reuse, extension and integration
- Parameter optimization
- Identifiability and uncertainty analysis
- Model analysis
Virtual presentations will be delivered by invited speakers and selected from submitted abstracts. This includes short presentations on open problems and scientific questions. The discussion of open problems and possible solutions will be a core element, following the spirit of the COMBINE Meetings and the Workshop on ODE Modelling in Systems Biology.
This meeting will be 4-days long and a mixture of hackathon sessionsin the morning and virtual talks in the afternoon. The hackathon sessions will provide participants with time and space to work on tool-based integration of models. Complimentary, help with the implementation of community standards will be provided. The hackathon is intended to be a space to technically improve both models and tools. The aim is to work towards a combined model-data repository for integrative modeling.
Conference and workshop are funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) via the e:Med Project INCOME. INCOME aims to facilitate scientific exchange and training to establish a platform for integrative model development.
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Ursula Klingmüller, DKFZ
Jonathan Karr, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Laurence Calzone, Institut Curie
Henning Hermjakob, EMBL-EBI
Mats Jirstrand, Fraunhofer-Chalmers Research Centre
Christoph Zechner, CSBD/MPI-CBG