Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is open until Monday, February 18, 2019 (23:59 CET)

Abstract submission guidelines (more information about lightning talks)

Email address: contact@integrative-pathway-models.de


Please send us an email with the following information:

In the email (as text):

  • Name of authors
  • Affiliation (Institute/Department, Organization, City, Country)
  • Name of presenting author
  • Topic

One PDF page (attached to the email):

  • Title
  • Abstract: The abstract must not exceed 2000 characters (including space and up to five references, excluding title).
  • References and figures are not required.

We will choose lightning talks from submitted abstracts and accept abstracts for following topics:

  • Modeling of signaling, metabolic and gene regulatory pathways

  • Modeling of diseases and therapies

  • Model and data standards

  • Model reuse, extension and integration

  • Parameter optimization

  • Identifiability and uncertainty analysis

  • Model analysis

Conditions of abstract submission

To submit an abstract, it is necessary to agree to the following conditions:

  1. I confirm that the abstract in the preview has been inspected by me and found to be free of errors. Neither the abstract title nor the text gives any indications regarding the abstract’s authorship. I am aware that the content of the abstract cannot be changed after the submission deadline and can be published in this state. Until the submission deadline, the abstract can be withdrawn, changed, and submitted again.
  2. I accept that the abstract will be published under an Open Access policy using Creative Commons or a similar license.
  3. I assure that I possess the rights of copyright for my work as well as the submitted text and other media. In cases in which I have used media from other sources, I have a written declaration of the copyright owners that they have agreed to Point 3. 
  4. I recognize that the publication does not entail royalties or remuneration. I accept the publication (in the online scientific program, abstract volume, main program, etc.) of all of my abstract in the context of this event. 
  5. I confirm that the content of the abstract submitted for this event has been written solely by the authors listed in the author list.
  6. I assure that all of the authors have agreed to the entry and storage of their address details.
  7. I assure that one of the authors presents a lightning talk at the hackathon.